As someone sick for the whole of my life, the only thing I can say about doctors is that they are monsters who care about nothing but the money they make and their status. They've climbed in medical school on some sort of pedestal and look down on everyone else from there. I haven't met even one that cares. Unfortunately. Medicine is wonderful, but it's in the hands of psychopats.

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This is disheartening. Reminds me of the book "Unwell Women".

History has always been unkind to women, whether it is labelling them hysteric or dismissing their chest pain as a probable heart attack. Moreover, a majority of studies have subjects only men. How are we supposed to know about the female physiology if we don't include them in the research?

I pray for your mom!

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Thank you kindly 🙏

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10 hrs agoLiked by Nicholas Kircher

This is hard to read. I have similar stories, and similar depths of fury.

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Thank you for writing this. Researchers recently discovered that women burn through anesthesia faster than men- finally explaining the fact that I’ve woken up in the middle of every single medical procedure ever performed on me. I’ve had IUDs since 2005 and have gotten used to managing that particular pain after four replacements over the years- worth it to endure a minute of agony. But the last one I had done, the doctor brutalized my reproductive organs so badly for so long I was blind and screaming and felt like I was being viciously raped. I had sobbing PTSD flashbacks for months. When I asked my psychiatrist if he could recommend a therapist to deal with the trauma his response was, “IUDs are always painful; I did a rotation as a resident. Are you sure you read the consent form?” I’m sorry about your mother and I’m sorry that this is the real state of things, but I’m glad people are writing about it.

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Jesus, that is definitely not normal. How can anyone look at that kind of suffering and say "Ah yes, just another perfectly routine, perfectly normal thing is happening here." Yet they do, all too often. If they think that screaming agony is normal for an IUD insertion, what the actual fuck.

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It was my 5th IUD; I know what the normal level of pain is. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and I have a whole new scale for pain. Every other developed nation offers topical anesthetic for routine IUD placement. I don’t know why they don’t do it in the U.S.

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This is a difficult and emotional read on multiple levels, but thanks so much for sharing it Nicholas. The love you have for your mum shines through so much here, and it must be so hard to see her suffering like that. I really hope she can get connected to the supportive healthcare team she obviously needs. So sorry you had this experience.

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This goes far beyond negligence. I hope your mother pulls through.

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